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Michael & Michelle

Midwife appointment 16 weeks

I've got 16 week midwife appointment with Mo today.
We listened to baby's heartbeats ...wow it's around 120 beat per minute, almost double as normal adult (around 75). The sound made me feel so relief knowing that the baby survives after the CVS test.
I can't wait for the next scan to see how the baby has grown.
I'm now still 53kg.

53 kgs

Feeling tired after finishing giant cupcake.
I am now 53 kg and growing...

Week 14

Nausea is starting to wear off...finally! i'm now 52kg.

Test result: NORMAL!

I had a call from Maternity unit Princess Royal Hospital, they said they're pleased to let me know that the result of CVS test is ....


CVS Procedures

At: Princess Royal
Performed by: Onome Oqueh (Consultant Obstetrician)
Assistant: Claire Bennison

Uterus: anteverted
Placenta anterior high
Instrument TA 18 - 20g needle