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Michael & Michelle

Measurement Updates

Weight: 4.7 Kg
Length: 56 Cm


4.2 kg = 9 pounds

Had a health visitor visit and Mikyla is now 9 pounds


Midwife Visit

Jane (the midwife), we met during Antenatal class visited us today. She was impressed with Mikyla's progress. She eats well and she is now 2.99 kg!

This will be the last midwife visit and the next one will be one of the Health Visitor.


3rd Midwife visit

Today we had 3rd Midwife visit. Baby Mikyla is now 2.69 kg, few ounces drop since the birth 2.73kg. She also took blood samples.


2nd Midwife visit

We had a good session about breast feeding.


1st Midwife visit

What a nice surprised, sara who helped Michelle during delivery visited us as the first midwife visit. She checked mom and the baby.
